Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! We have full integration capabilities through Shopify and are able to integrate our TMS into your other e-commerce platforms such as WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Volusion, and others.

Yes! We have a team of dedicated specialists who focus on integrating our TMS into your ERP.

Pricing depends on shipping volume, number of users, locations, etc. Please contact us at [email protected] or complete the form here.

Our TMS platform supports all company sizes. We service start-up companies that have just a few shipments per week as well as bigger companies that have thousands of shipments each week.

Yes! Our TMS platform supports all company sizes. We service start-up companies that have just a few shipments per week as well as bigger companies that have thousands of shipments each week.

Yes, our TMS is cloud-based and does not require any installation on your side. You can login from anywhere with any device.

Our system is multi-device friendly, meaning that you can use our shipping software on your mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop.

Yes! We have a team designed specifically to support our clients who have any integration or technical issues.

It depends on your shipping volume, your shipping destination, and the rate with your current carriers/couriers. Please contact us at [email protected] or complete the form here.

Yes! We can easily add your current carriers to our shipping platform.

Yes! We can provide you with our carriers/couriers that have a competitive shipping rate. We have more than 200 carriers in our system.

We have more than 200 carriers (UPS, FedEx, Purolator, DHL, Canada Post, Loomis, Canpar, etc.) in our system. Please contact us at [email protected] or complete the form here to see the list of our carriers.

To set up your 30-day free account, please schedule a free demo/consulting session with one of our specialists here.

Unlimited users from unlimited locations can use our shipping software, depending on your plan.

Unlimited users from unlimited locations can use our shipping software, depending on your plan.

Yes! You can cancel your subscription at any time without any extra fees.

Yes! We have a dedicated team that can help you with everything related to customs and duties.

Yes! We have a dedicated team that can help you with everything related to customs and duties.

We provide both the shipping software and professional services to help you optimize your shipping. With over 50 years of experience in transportation, more than 10 years of hands-on data analysis, and networking with more than 3,000 carriers and 5,000 shippers, we are your ideal partner for everything shipping. With our team of logistics experts, we analyze all of your shipping data and extract actionable insights about your current operations. We provide you with customized solutions and recommendations that help to reduce your shipping costs and optimize your entire shipping process. Please see the details here.

Our software is a cloud-based TMS that helps you to automate your shipping. Through its user-friendly interface, you can effectively manage all of your shipping operations with unlimited users from unlimited locations. Our TMS brings all of your carriers to ONE system and centralizes all of your shipping activities. We integrate our TMS into your current e-commerce, ERP and Warehouse Management Systems. Please see the details here.

Reducing your shipping costs is only one of the many benefits of our shipping software. By using our shipping platform you can:
– Centralize all your carriers, rates, and shipping information in ONE place
– Save time by automating and simplifying the shipping process
– Analyze and track all your shipments in Real-Time, all in one platform
– Easily integrate our software into your current e-commerce, ERP and WMS platforms
– Easily audit and reconciliate shipping invoices
– Create customized shipping documents and print hundreds of labels at once

Please see the details here.

Our shipping software is designed to be extremely straight-forward and user-friendly. We also provide free online training sessions as well as live support in order to ensure that you are comfortable with our software.

Yes! Multiple departments can use our shipping platform to ship their own packages and be responsible for their own shipping costs.

Schedule a free demo/consultation with one of our specialists here.

To set up your 30-day free account, please schedule a free demo/consulting session with one of our specialists here.

Do You Have Any Questions?

You can contact us by phone, by our email listed below, or by filling out the contact form.
We will reply to all inquiries within one business day.

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